Friday, August 5, 2011

My First Endorsement!

Cindee Haydon over at has endorsed my blog. I'm reckoning this will require a little more updating in case anyone heads over here. For those of you I've added to my email list, I'm sorry. It had to be done.

Anything y'all want to see/hear/watch me blog about?

Anything at all?


Okay, here goes:

Saturday, September 25, 2010


What a frustrating day! I've tried scanning old hard drives from the computers laying around the house and have had little joy. I can't get Warcraft: Orcs and Humans to load on my BootCamp partition, and my Startopia game isn't working right either. I'm bored and hungry and want the Georgia game to start so it'll end and I can go to bed. Isn't that pitiful?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Messing with the Blog

So I'm trying out some new stuff. One thing at a time. I don't want to make such a mess, I drive myself away. I'm starting out with the fonts. I should probably focus on something bigger, but it's all about baby steps. Let's try Verdana.

Friday, September 17, 2010

MMMMMMennonite Food!

So we just got back from dinner with my parents. Dad took us to his favorite restaurant, Yoder's in Montezuma. The food is simple country fare served up at this local Mennonite landmark. I had the sausage and sauerkraut. Delicious and tangy. The cornbread is wonderful and the tea is just right. The pecan pie I had for dessert was the richest I've ever tasted and I couldn't finish it, I was so stuffed. An hour later we're back home and all ready for bed. Head on down to Macon county if you're looking for a good homecooked meal. You can bring a chess pie home with you from the bakery. I promise you'll head back.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lots to Say

I've been thinking for a long time about how to blog and what to blog and whether or not it matters. I've pretty much decided that there is no one proper way to blog, that it doesn't really matter what one blogs, and that it doesn't really matter whether or not it matters to blog. (?)

I'll just keep poking away at it and see what floats, dead and bloated to the surface. Those may or may not be the most valuable things to come out of this.

Keep an eye on me. I may do something wild or something crazy, but only Steve Martin can do Wild n' Crazy.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Empire Avenue Provides Entertaining Twist To Social Media

Buy, Sell, and Trade social influence. That's the premise of stockmarketish site Empire Avenue. While it can be a bit addicting at times, it is an attempt at trying to put a value on one's social media influence. Whether or not it takes off, you can say you were there before everyone else in your town.

Sullivan Fraley Site is up

So we've got a website up now. There isn't anything there, but we're moving in the right direction. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome. Check it out.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Made a connection.

You'd think I would have thought to link this to my facebook profile before this.

So I'll start making posts more often now.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So I'm done with another wonderful spring semester. This was not my finest spring, while I learned a lot about systems analysis and project management, I didn't get quite so much out of networking essentials or intro to programming (JAVA). I'm going to go at the networking again over the summer and will get back on the Java horse this fall.

In the meantime, my friend Jeremy and I have begun working for Sullivan Fraley. We're focusing our efforts on web design and digital fabrication. We've got a few projects going on now, with an eye towards a long hot summer of pounding the boards for more. Anybody needing any technology work (any work at all really), should get hold of us at

Have a nice summer!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Unemployment Hits Close to Home

I am out of a job. Unemployed. I guess I better get to work. This scares me. I'm watching "Smokey and the Bandit" for the umpteenth time. Jackie Gleason is getting out of the cruiser and about to bust the boys for stripping Sally Fields' car. What a magnificent character he plays in this film. Acting might be the thing to do. Or maybe movie-making. Or I could just strip cars. I hear there's lots of Clunkers sitting around right now.

As anyone who knows me can tell, I can write, I just don't like to. There's a number of websites which will pay writers based on the clicks on their articles. If I can get over my reticence to display my thoughts to the whole world, I might be able to make a little pocket change.

Any other suggestions?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

"They Call Me The Sloth"

Slacker. Lazy. Bum. Sloth. All these describe me since the last time I posted. I want to be better about this and hopefully I can whip myself into shape. I'm trying to set up a website I can use to post this blog and do other things that will enable me to hone some webskills. I have been commissioned to redo a site for a doctor's office in Warner Robins. This is providing me the opportunity to learn these skills while I simultaneously build my own site. 

And I'm thinking about taking more classes in the fall. I figure since I'm already in the education mode, I should try to stay in practice. I'm spending too much time lazing this summer and it is contributing to my feelings of uselessness. Pretty funny that I would feel guilty for taking a summer off. This is, after all, how I planned on rewarding myself for graduating.

I promise to post more often.


Monday, May 11, 2009


Graduation was a wonderful experience! I truly felt changed after walking across the stage. I looked Dr. Bell in the eye and, as he handed me an empty diploma folder, said "Thank you Mr. President." Then I headed back to my seat, pausing to get a spritz of hand sanitizer from the girl manning the dispenser. That's the modern world for you I guess.

It still hasn't truly sunk in that I'm done. I still feel like I'm procrastinating all the time. Only now It's when I'm playing online instead of finding a job.

Gotta get that J-O-B!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Well, I'm not procrastinating anymore. After 12 days of busting my hump to get it done. I finally completed my B.S. on Wednesday afternoon. It has only taken me 21 years 10 months and 24 days to do it. Persistence pays!

I'll walk for my diploma on Friday May 8th, 2009 at 10am in the Macon Centreplex. I am really happy I've done this and dare I say proud of myself.

Now I've got to find a job. 

Anyone got a lead?


Friday, April 24, 2009

Out of the Park!

Well, I sure haven't been procrastinating this week. I spent the last 4 days preparing my Senior Project Proposal. I delivered it this morning. 20 minute speech with a 25 slide PowerPoint and a 12 minute documentary in front of the department faculty and the other 13 seniors.

I knocked it out of the park.

I think I might actually graduate!

Holy Shit!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Procrastination Day ?

I can't seem to really get on top of anything. I'm working on my project. I have the paper and the film open on the desktop and I'm not really making headway on either. I'm sure the panic will set in sometime in the next few days and I'll really get to work, but I have this subconscious fear that I'm going to blow everything.

Today's procrastination tool:

The Internet!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Procrastination task for the day:

Snake the sewer line!!!

The HVAC man said I've got a sewer leak under the house. MMMMM...Tasty!  I've been a little lazy about it and was telling myself I'd get around to it. Not exactly Johnny-on-the-spot homeowner now, hunh? When I got back from taking the boys to school, I imagined I could smell it (maybe not so much in my imagination) so I called my friend Ted to come give me a hand. We're going to rent a snake and see what we can do about it. 

Wish me luck!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

Yesterday, instead of working on the projects, I worked on the yard. It really needed it. Orlando, my neighbor across the street, has cut a good bit of the front on Saturday night. He left the mower in my drive so I finished up the front and then cut the back. Next came the edging. That was some long, hot work! I had to change the blade halfway through and that made all the difference. I did my yard and Orlando's. I have quite a sunburn on the back of my neck. In the evening Orlando and Doreen had us over for an Easter picnic. We had pancakes, strawberries and Cool-Whip. It was delicious. 

It was an excellent holiday.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Today's procrastination tool is: 

Georgia Bulldog Football!!!

I'm watching the G-Day game on ESPN. What other team could get national television coverage for an intra-squad scrimmage? And while I see good things from some of the players, I am worried about getting expectations up. After last season, I don't believe the hype anymore.

After the game I'll be thinking about taking the kids to a movie, or cutting the grass, or maybe doing some laundry.

18 days of school left. 
18 days to get my work done. 
18 days to procrastinate.

Friday, April 10, 2009

I have to go through dress rehearsal for my Sr. Project Presentation today. I have a new suit and an old tie, a new PowerPoint and an old method of delivery. One day I'll learn not to extemporize everything. Until then I'll just wing it. Anyone else flying on a wing and a prayer today?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

So starting this blog is what I'm doing today instead of preparing for my senior project presentation. I like to think of myself as a world-class procrastinator but since I actually get things done on occasion, I imagine I'm actually a wannabe.